Berry Smoothie

I real­ly dis­like bananas. I’m not brag­ging or any­thing; just stat­ing a fact. I tru­ly dis­like bananas. I always have. I know they’re very good for me and I wish I could eat one. I hon­est­ly don’t think I have ever man­aged to eat an entire banana by itself (that is, not in some oth­er food).… Con­tin­ue read­ing Berry Smooth­ie

Defensive Running

Today I joined peo­ple from all over the world in going out for a run in ded­i­ca­tion to Meg Men­zies, the woman in Hanover Coun­ty, VA who was tradg­i­cal­ly struck and killed by a drunk dri­ver on Mon­day while out for a morn­ing run with her hus­band. My heart­felt sym­phathies to her hus­band, three chil­dren,… Con­tin­ue read­ing Defen­sive Running

My FitBit and Me

In ear­ly Jan­u­ary, Angela and I got match­ing his-and-hers Fit­Bit One’s to start track­ing our activ­i­ty. Ange­la’s actu­al­ly been wear­ing a pedome­ter for years now. But the Fit­Bit does a lot more data track­ing than a sim­ple pedome­ter. I’ve been wear­ing it every­day since then. There a few tech­nolo­gies I’ve adopt­ed that I would con­sid­er life-chang­ing.… Con­tin­ue read­ing My Fit­Bit and Me

Mommys Representing in NY

I real­ly enjoyed this bit from the cov­er­age of yes­ter­day’s NY City Marathon, where Brit Paula Rad­cliffe won the wom­en’s race: …there was some­thing sem­i­nal about the way Gary Lough emerged from the crowd at the fin­ish line at the New York Marathon yes­ter­day in order to hand his 10-month-old daugh­ter, Isla, to her moth­er, Paula… Con­tin­ue read­ing Mom­mys Rep­re­sent­ing in NY

Moving Pictures

I’m going to a post-marathon par­ty at some friends’ house tonight so we can all cel­e­brate not dying last Sat­ur­day morn­ing. Angela took some great pho­tos of them, so I’ll Flickr ’em1 and have Tar­get print them for me. At ¢20 for a 4“x6” 2, com­bined with the fact that Tar­get is only about 3/4″… Con­tin­ue read­ing Mov­ing Pictures

Going For The Duece

If you don’t have the time or desire to read a fair­ly long post from me, let me give you the short & sweet: don’t try and run two marathons in two weeks time. More impor­tant­ly, the next time you hear me talk­ing about doing some­thing like that, slap me and then make me read… Con­tin­ue read­ing Going For The Duece

Categorized as Running

Marine Corps Marathon

Well, the big day kind of snuck-up on us. Angela had been get­ting over a ham­string injury pret­ty much all of Octo­ber and we had gone on vaca­tion ear­li­er last month. There­fore, when the end of the month came out of no where, we almost felt sur­prised that an entire month had gone by with­out… Con­tin­ue read­ing Marine Corps Marathon

Categorized as Running

A Chilly Twenty

Today was the final twen­ty mile run of this sea­son for me. I was sched­uled to run it yes­ter­day, but we had rain all day and the tem­per­a­ture stayed around 50°F. The run got can­celled to pre­vent any­one from get­ting hypother­mia (four hours in that weath­er wear­ing noth­ing but a t‑shirt and shorts can eas­i­ly… Con­tin­ue read­ing A Chilly Twenty

Categorized as Running