Bathroom Shelves

I did­n’t add this on Insta­gram, but it may be worth explain­ing a bit more detail. The birch was left­over from some hard­wood edge band­ing I used else­where in my daugh­ter’s room (more on that once that project is com­plete). The board was far from flat, but this was a pret­ty good way to make use of the less twist­ed sec­tions of the board. I used a bis­cuit join­er for the first time in the pan­el glue-up. I man­aged to come up with some flat shelves after some plan­ing & sand­ing. I made the wall mounts from some of the cut-off scraps, so there end­ed up being very lit­tle waste here. 

The cir­cle cut­ting jig was based on Col­in Knecht’s design (though did a plunge cut on the router table instead of on my table saw; that just looked way too risky). I drilled a hole at the cir­cle cen­ter, since I knew I’d have to have a notch for the dry­wall cor­ner, anyway.

Categorized as General

By Jason Coleman

Structural engineer and technical content manager Bentley Systems by day. Geeky father and husband all the rest of time.

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