Cobra Journal — Part II

It’s as if the peo­ple at McSweeney’s heard my cries at night: “Jour­nal Of A Sea­soned Cobra Vet­er­an” by Kei­th Pille (also, read “Jour­nal of a New Cobra Recruit”). “June 28, 1987 — We sure seem to have a lot of nin­jas on the COBRA payroll.”

MacWorld-SF 06

Since I wrote some last year about the then new­ly announced prod­ucts at Mac­World, I thought I might post some thoughts on this year’s as well. I stat­ed last year’s theme was afford­abil­i­ty (with the announce­ment of the Mac mini and the iPod shuf­fle). I’d say this year’s theme is more like play catch up… Con­tin­ue read­ing Mac­World-SF 06

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