My Pandora Thinks I’m… Okay, It Just Thinks

I just this evening dis­cov­ered prob­a­bly the only online stream­ing web site for music I’ve ever want­ed to lis­ten to. That’s because I actu­al­ly get to dic­tate what gets played on this sta­tion. I real­ly quit lis­ten­ing to radio a few years ago and buy­ing an iPod real­ly sealed that cof­fin. As much as I… Con­tin­ue read­ing My Pan­do­ra Thinks I’m… Okay, It Just Thinks

Categorized as Geek, Music

‘Ol Blue Eyes

Last week, while on a job site inspec­tion some build­ing foun­da­tions1, I had what must be the strangest con­ver­sa­tion with a con­trac­tor yet: Con­trac­tor (to me): Yeah, so we’ll just have the addi­tion­al bars deliv­ered in the morn­ing rather than attempt use some replace­ments… say, is that your nat­ur­al eye col­or or do wear some sort… Con­tin­ue read­ing ‘Ol Blue Eyes

Categorized as Life