WordPress 2.0 (It Works!)

Yes, folks, if you’re read­ing this then I was able to upgrade to Word­Press 2.0. Although it looks exact­ly the same on the out­side (what you’re see­ing now), the man­age­ment inter­face is com­plete­ly over­hauled. It is much more like a WordPress.com account, for those of you who that means any­thing to.1 The new release of… Con­tin­ue read­ing Word­Press 2.0 (It Works!)

Categorized as Meta

Ethical Shopping

It’s Christ­mas Eve, and since Angela and I are just stick­ing around town this hol­i­day, we decid­ed to go run a few errands ear­li­er today. One of which was to go buy Sta­ples to pick up some print­er paper (I specif­i­cal­ly say Sta­ples, because they’re at the end of the street, about six blocks away).… Con­tin­ue read­ing Eth­i­cal Shopping

Categorized as Life

It’s The Holidays

I had writ­ten this post up a cou­ple of weeks ago, and was­n’t going to pub­lish it, but after my Christ­mas Plans post a cou­ple of days ago, I though some might get the wrong impres­sion. I’m no Christ­mas Hum-bug. I just think that peo­ple can be a lit­tle too pro-Christ­mas. Stu­art Carl­son I grew… Con­tin­ue read­ing It’s The Hol­i­days

Categorized as Politics

Plans For The Holidays

In case you’re in need of some instruc­tions on how to com­ply with mod­ern build­ing codes in your Hol­i­day (that’s right, I said Hol­i­day!) prepa­ra­tions: No, I did­n’t cre­ate this. The title block lists Win­zler & Kel­ly of Eure­ka, CA as the firm. I have no idea if they’re even real. I can tell by… Con­tin­ue read­ing Plans For The Holidays

Categorized as Geek

“Brotherhood of War”

Tae Guk Gi: The Broth­er­hood of War One of the great things about Net­flix, is it can allow us to exper­i­ment with movies. Oh, sure, we could do that at the big blue & yel­low video store down the street. How­ev­er, they would nev­er car­ry a film like “Tae Guk Gi: The Broth­er­hood of War” (also… Con­tin­ue read­ing “Broth­er­hood of War”

Calendar Girls & Boys

A new year is fast approach­ing and you’re going to need a new wall cal­en­der. Why not con­sid­er pur­chas­ing a “When Har­ry Met Mag­gie” cal­en­der from LuLu.com. You’ll get 12+1 full col­or pho­tos of our two love­ly and charis­mat­ic pooches to bring you cheer through the year. You’ll see them grow from young pups into… Con­tin­ue read­ing Cal­en­dar Girls & Boys

Categorized as Geek, Life


The worst part about being an engi­neer, is that a lot of your calls are because some­thing has gone wrong. Peo­ple are already upset due to the fact they are hav­ing to hire you and the very best out­come if that you can make every­thing as good as it was before. This was espe­cial­ly true… Con­tin­ue read­ing Reas­sur­ance

Office Christmas Party

Jason & Ang­ie at this year’s SPA Christ­mas Par­ty. Who knew I could look that smug? Copy­right 2005 Scott Gutier­rez Last Sat­ur­day evening, Angela and I drove to Vir­ginia Beach to attend the com­­pa­ny-wide Christ­mas Par­ty. We had most of the Vir­ginia Beach and Rich­mond officesin atten­dance for a great din­ner and the chance for… Con­tin­ue read­ing Office Christ­mas Party

Categorized as Life