On The Day After Kurt Vonneget Died

After read­ing the news of Kurt Von­negut’s death, I decid­ed it was about time I got with it. I’ve nev­er read any­thing by him over 1,000 words long but at lunch today I went and picked up a paper­back copy of Slaugh­­ter­­house-Five. Bet­ter late than nev­er, I sup­pose. I’ve had a lot of friends rec­om­mend… Con­tin­ue read­ing On The Day After Kurt Von­neget Died

Apparantly, Mr. Iacocca Is The Leader

I read near­ly this entire book excerpt with my jaw dropped. Who would have thought that one of the most sin­cere and harsh cri­tiques of our coun­try – its gov­ern­ment, its media, and its cit­i­zens – would come from an 80’s indus­tri­al­ist leader who has long been a sup­port­er of both big busi­ness and big… Con­tin­ue read­ing Appa­rant­ly, Mr. Iacoc­ca Is The Leader