Aaaah, My Back

I went to the hos­pi­tal for a sched­uled pro­ce­dure on my back to help alle­vi­ate the pains a her­ni­at­ed disc had been caus­ing. So far, it seems to have helped. So, I guess because things have been pret­ty busy at work and at home late­ly, I haven’t had much of a chance to pro­vide an… Con­tin­ue read­ing Aaaah, My Back

Categorized as Life

Five Fun Things: May 18th Edition

I’m try­ing to make this a week­ly thing, but who knows how long it’ll last. Anoth­er week flew by me and I’m not sure where it went. That’s more the norm than not I sup­pose. Here’s a few things, in no par­tic­u­lar order that have been inter­est­ing and enjoy­able this week: Get­ting to see inside me by… Con­tin­ue read­ing Five Fun Things: May 18th Edition

Members of Congress of Foodstamps

There many Con­gres­sion­al hear­ings and inves­tiga­tive trips that are expen­sive and/or point­less. How­ev­er, this one is nei­ther, in my opin­ion: four mem­bers of Con­gress have pledged to live for one week on $21 worth of food – the aver­age amount of food stamps peo­ple on that pro­gram have to spend. Liv­ing through what all too… Con­tin­ue read­ing Mem­bers of Con­gress of Foodstamps

Rare But Not Of Concern

So, the whole sixth lum­bar ver­te­bra has kind of been of inter­est to me. I did some online search­ing and found an inter­est­ing arti­cle which explains the abnor­mal­i­ty some: [A]pproximately 10% of adults, have a con­gen­i­tal anom­aly in their low­er back. One of the most com­mon anom­alies is the pres­ence of a sixth lum­bar ver­te­bra. Hav­ing… Con­tin­ue read­ing Rare But Not Of Concern

Categorized as Life

Five Fun Things: Week of May 10th

Here’s a list of Five Fun Things I’ve been enjoy­ing late­ly, in no sig­nif­i­cant order (oth­er than No. 1): Feel­ing our baby girl kick for the first time last Sun­day morn­ing. That was awe­some. Super Paper Mario on the Wii – Not a very hard game, but loads of fun to play and very fun­ny, too. Lost… Con­tin­ue read­ing Five Fun Things: Week of May 10th

Taking More Pictures Again

“Escape” by Jason Cole­man – I’ve recent­ly got­ten excit­ed (re-excit­ed?) about pho­tog­ra­phy and learn­ing how to take bet­ter pic­tures. Kevin has a great post and some inter­est­ing dis­cus­sion on his blog about his film vs. dig­i­tal exper­i­men­ta­tion. I think, for me, one of the key rea­son why I only want to shoot in dig­i­tal, regard­less… Con­tin­ue read­ing Tak­ing More Pic­tures Again

London Fog

You know that cliché old adage about some­one bring­ing the weath­er from where their from when they come for a vis­it? Well, the Queen of Eng­land, along with her hus­band Prince Philip, are in Rich­mond today to cel­e­brate the 400th Anniver­sary of the found­ing of Jamestown, VA. Yes­ter­day in Rich­mond was about 90° F and… Con­tin­ue read­ing Lon­don Fog