July Has Thirty One Days

It’s been a long month that went by real­ly quick­ly. How­ev­er, I sus­pect in a cou­ple of weeks I’ll be long­ing for the good ‘ole days of July ’07. I know that I’ve com­plete­ly dropped the ball on writ­ing on this site this past month. I real­ly regret that as it’s only because way too… Con­tin­ue read­ing July Has Thir­ty One Days

Categorized as Baby, Life

TiVo Is Still Ahead on IPTV

Though few seem to acknowl­edge the strides that TiVo has been mak­ing in IPTV (as opposed to Apple), Engad­get is report­ing that you can now pur­chase Ama­zon Unbox con­tent straight from your TiVo. They call it Buy on TV (direct, if not entire­ly cre­ative). I doubt that it is a ‘cable tele­vi­sion replace­ment’ just yet,… Con­tin­ue read­ing TiVo Is Still Ahead on IPTV

Re-activating Windows

After fid­dling around with run­ning Win­dows XP on Par­al­lels for sev­er­al months, I came to the con­clu­sion that the best method of instal­la­tion is to use Apple’s Boot Camp first and run Par­al­lels off of the Boot Camp par­ti­tion (which is a real­ly cool option to have, just so you know). How­ev­er, due to the nature… Con­tin­ue read­ing Re-acti­vat­ing Windows

Categorized as Geek

Harry Potter and the Getting of Your Act Together

Angela and I are both real­ly excit­ed about Har­ry Pot­ter this month because with­in the span of about a week, both the fifth film will come to the­aters (we’ve already got our tick­ets) and the sev­enth book, and final, book will be arriv­ing at book­stores (yes, we’ve already got one copy on reserve at our… Con­tin­ue read­ing Har­ry Pot­ter and the Get­ting of Your Act Together

Rockin Out to Son Volt Again

My co-work­er Ron­nie has a friend who has a friend who made a very nice record­ing of the Son Volt con­cert I attend­ed a few weeks ago. I have to say, there’s some­thing cool about lis­ten­ing to a live record­ing know­ing you’re one of the peo­ple shout­ing in the audi­ence on it.