We Escaped!

Our nephew, Kei­th, invit­ed us to one of the The Escape Game adven­tures. These are real­ly pop­u­lar and I can see why. Any­one who was a fan of point-and-click puz­zle com­put­er games (like me) would love get­ting to be inside the game and that’s exact­ly what this feels like. My old­er broth­er, Stephen, and Kei­th’s… Con­tin­ue read­ing We Escaped!

I Tried Hot Chicken

No, not that I tried eat­ing hot chick­en. Hav­ing lived near Nashville for over a decade, of course we’ve eat­en hot chick­en. Though, I don’t ever order the crazy hot stuff. I stick to mild and actu­al­ly enjoy eat­ing it. No, I mean I tried mak­ing my own hot chick­en here at home for fam­i­ly din­ner.… Con­tin­ue read­ing I Tried Hot Chicken

Tremolo Pedal Build

Christ­mas in 2018 was a lot of fun and my fam­i­ly got me a lot of won­der­ful things. Among them, my broth­er, Dave, got me a gui­tar ped­al effects kit. This was a tremo­lo ped­al, which is def­i­nite­ly some­thing I would­n’t have got­ten myself. If you don’t know, a tremo­lo ped­al mod­u­lates the ampli­tude of… Con­tin­ue read­ing Tremo­lo Ped­al Build