My Rental

Slushy Road Orig­i­nal­ly uploaded by super_structure. I took my truck in yes­ter­day to have some ser­vice done (minor recall crap). The deal­er­ship gave me a rental for the day, which turned out to be a Maz­da 3. Okay, it’s not Fer­rari or any­thing, but much nicer than the bro­ken down Ford Focus they gave me… Con­tin­ue read­ing My Rental

Categorized as General

Firefox Plug-ins And Searchable Markup

Today, I’m work­ing on a Flickr search engine for Fire­Fox. Why has­n’t some­one done that already? Well, for one, Flickr isn’t real­ly set up for exter­nal searches.

Categorized as Geek

Did You Change Your Hair?

I’m in the process of upgrad­ing to Word­Press 1.5. Yes, I’m about a week late, but I’m no less excited.

Categorized as Meta

“Numb3rs” on CBS

Numb3rs has a lot of promise as a series. It can cer­tain­ly have some inter­est­ing cas­es due to the fact that pret­ty much every­thing can be tied in to math. How­ev­er, I do find the por­tray­al of the sci­en­tists as some­what trite, in that they’re all spacey and can’t remem­ber if they weren’t going in or out of the build­ing because they’re too deep in thought.

Professional Amatuers

Blog­gers seem to be the sto­ry in the news late­ly. This all reminds me of Gomer Pyle shout­ing “Cit-i-zen’s Arrast, Cit-i-zen’s Arrast!”

Twin Turkey Vultures

Twin Turkey Vul­turesOrig­i­nal­ly uploaded bysuper_structure. A cou­ple of turkey vul­tures land­ed out­side my office win­dow today dur­ing my lunch break. Appar­ent­ly, they come around every once in a while to prey on the dead geese and ducks around the small lakes in the imme­di­ate area. While quite pos­si­bly one of the ugli­est birds you can… Con­tin­ue read­ing Twin Turkey Vultures

Categorized as General

Coming Up For Air

My rea­son for not post­ing for the last week is that I’ve been very sick. Some sort of res­pi­ra­to­ry infec­tion. Noth­ing that would con­sti­tute an emer­gency, though.

Categorized as General