Google Reader Update

Google Read­er got an update today which makes it more of a usable RSS feed inter­face. They’ve still got some work, but I use it for all of my sci­ence news feeds and I think it is fast and a lot of the fea­tures you might find in a client-side (and for pay) piece of… Con­tin­ue read­ing Google Read­er Update

Categorized as Remainder

Surprise Birthday Party

Upon return­ing to Rich­mond after the VA Beach Half-marathon, we were pret­ty much in the mood to take it easy. We spent most of the time here around the house, all being pret­ty tired. Mon­day morn­ing was labor day, and Jason J. treat­ed the house to a big stack of waf­fles. Now, I hear that… Con­tin­ue read­ing Sur­prise Birth­day Party

UVA Stadium Pergola

UVA Sta­di­um Per­go­la 1 by Jason Cole­man — I was at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Vir­ginia yes­ter­day for a work meet­ing, and thought I’d walk around for a few min­utes after­wards to take a few pho­tos. I’ve had far worse days at work than spend­ing the last day of sum­mer walk­ing around a col­lege cam­pus on… Con­tin­ue read­ing UVA Sta­di­um Pergola

VA Beach Rock n Roll Half Marathon

Last year, I ran a local half-marathon event which was rel­a­tive­ly small (300+ run­ners). Angela, hav­ing work con­flicts, did­n’t run any for­mal event, but did run 13.1 miles with me on what was dubbed the First Annu­al Angela Dyer Birth­day Half-Marathon, which actu­al­ly took place last Labor Day (e.g. – not her birth­day). This year,… Con­tin­ue read­ing VA Beach Rock n Roll Half Marathon

Categorized as Running

Railroad Trestle Connection

Rail­road Tres­tle Con­nec­tion by Jason Cole­man — Oth­er than the fact that this is a very cool look­ing, old riv­et­ed steel con­nec­tion, I was attempt­ing to use some col­or & light­ing effects in post-pro­cess­ing to make this pho­to interesting.

Hanging Walkway

Hang­ing Walk­way by Jason Cole­man — Angela and Sta­cie walk along the Lee Pedes­tri­an bridge out to Belle Isle while admir­ing the view down the James River.