Following Scientists

Some­times I feel gen­uine­ly guilty that the part of a ser­mon that sticks with me the most is one that I sim­ply find incom­pat­i­ble with what I feel to be right (and often, not even the gist of the ser­mon, as you’ll see here). Now, I am prob­a­bly towards the oppo­site end of the Pres­by­ter­ian… Con­tin­ue read­ing Fol­low­ing Scientists

What Facial Expressions to Use When You’re Expecting

So Angela and I have been read­ing some dif­fer­ent books on preg­nan­cy. Okay, she’s been doing most of the read­ing so far as she has about five dif­fer­ent books. I bought one, titled Preg­nan­cy Sucks for Men: What to Do When Your Mir­a­cle Makes You BOTH Mis­er­able, which is a fair­ly enter­tain­ing read as well… Con­tin­ue read­ing What Facial Expres­sions to Use When You’re Expecting

Larry Lessig Presentation on Free Culture

If you have a free hour and would like to learn about free cul­ture, then I high­ly rec­om­mend you watch this pre­sen­ta­tion by law pro­fes­sor Lar­ry Lessig. The tools for free cul­ture, par­tic­u­lar­ly copy­left and Cre­ative Com­mons, are expand­ing and Lessig points out how this applies to all cre­ative mate­ri­als beyond just soft­ware. I strong­ly… Con­tin­ue read­ing Lar­ry Lessig Pre­sen­ta­tion on Free Culture

Categorized as Remainder

Photography of Israeli Defense Force Women Soldiers

I’m not an old man, by real­ly any­one’s account. Even Tim­o­thy Leary, were he still alive, could tech­ni­cal­ly trust me as I’m not yet over thir­ty. How­ev­er, the one thing that makes me feel my age per­haps more than any thing else is to see pho­tos of sol­diers serv­ing at war. They go to join… Con­tin­ue read­ing Pho­tog­ra­phy of Israeli Defense Force Women Soldiers

Stop Motion Action Film on YouTube

Most of YouTube is crap (then again, 90% of every­thing is crap). How­ev­er, it is gems like this live-action, stop-motion film “Tony vs. Paul” that make it the future of video and enter­tain­ment. I think some Hol­ly­wood effects stu­dios could learn some tricks from these guys. Some of it’s sil­ly, but it’s an enter­tain­ing five… Con­tin­ue read­ing Stop Motion Action Film on YouTube

Driving In My Car

So, the oth­er day I was real­ly feel­ing both­ered by the fact that I want­ed to write on the blog, but had­n’t had the time to do so. I noticed that I had yet to take the DV cam­era out of my bag (or man-purse, as Angela calls it) before going back to work. I… Con­tin­ue read­ing Dri­ving In My Car

Categorized as Baby, Life