Wii Have It All

What start­ed as some vague inter­net rumors appear to be con­firmed: both the sequel to Kata­mari Daman­ci and Gui­tar Hero will be com­ing to the Wii lat­er this year. Beau­ti­ful Kata­mari will be released in late Novem­ber. Before then, it looks like Gui­tar Hero will be on the Wii (as well as the DS, although I’m not sure how that will work…). Those are two great games that the Wii can seem­ing­ly cap­ture bet­ter than oth­er con­soles on the mar­ket can.

Also, it appears that some game titled Rock Band, by some of the same devel­op­ers as Gui­tar Hero might be head­ed for the Wii. As much as every­one wants to swing the Wiimote like a light saber, I am equal­ly excit­ed about play­ing the drums with the Wiimote and Nunchuck (although that might not be at all what the game plays like).

Categorized as Geek

By Jason Coleman

Structural engineer and technical content manager Bentley Systems by day. Geeky father and husband all the rest of time.

1 comment

  1. Well, late Novem­ber 2007 came and went, and no Beau­ti­ful Kata­mari on the Wii. The Wikipedia entry on the game (cur­rent­ly on the XBox 360) gives some low down on Kata­mari on the Wii.

    Gui­tar Hero III and Rock Band are cur­rent­ly out on the Wii, though good luck find­ing a copy of either.

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