Angela and I had a relaxing few days (mostly) at home over the past weekend.
We spent most of the weekend at home, although Friday night we went to pick up our race numbers for the following morning’s 10k as well as hit the grocery store for the first time in weeks. We cleaned up the kitchen that evening as friends were coming over the next day.
I guess most people don’t consider running 6.2 miles early on Saturday morning relaxing, but it really did feel that way. This weekend was the Monument Ave 10k, Richmond’s largest race, with about 25,000 entrants. Running the big races in Richmond is a lot of fun, as I’ve said many times before, because of all the crowds that come out. Saturday, with nearly perfect running weather, was no exception. Angela and I rode with our neighbor, Teri, down to the race, along with friends Meredizzle and Jess (who I dubbed “wing-nut” this weekend for no really good reason). We were running a little late, which ended up working out just perfectly. After rushing to get my bag checked in, I made it to the start line just about a minute before my coral started. I had a good race. Even though I was about five minutes over my best 10k time, I felt great after crossing the finish line. Probably a sign I could have pushed harder but also a sign I’m not that bad out of shape, either.
That afternoon, a bunch of friends came over for lunch off the grill (hamburgers, mostly) as well as playing the Wii. We sat around talking and getting to know one another for quite a while (we have a number of friends who don’t yet know our other friends, like most everyone does). Unfortunately, this meant that not everyone got to play the Wii as much as we would have liked. Also, it meant that I didn’t get embarrassing photos of people playing Wario Ware.
Sunday afternoon, we went to a baby shower for one of Angela’s co-workers held at yet another of her co-worker’s home. I have to say, if more baby showers were like this, I bet folks wouldn’t dread them so much, especially males. There was a keg of local micro-brew, great music, and good food. I had met the couple before and enjoyed getting to talk to them (well, actually, mostly him) more. The host, his girlfriend, and the rest of the guests (again, a lot of Angela’s new co-workers) were all lots of fun to talk with, as well. We love the people at Angela’s old job and miss them. However, it was great to know she’s again working with a bunch of nice folks who are fun to spend time with.
Incidentally, having co-ed baby showers is probably much more common now. Not that dads-to-be didn’t have any interest in their children before, it’s just that now we don’t feel this need to hide it1. Reading some great sites online written by dads as well as talking with other current and soon-to-be dads has really done a lot for me, both in encouragement and in excitement. Anyway, Angela and I have agreed that having a dads-are-welcome baby shower is really the way to go. Of course, there was at least one mommy at the baby shower who seemed to be upset.
“Why is he opening the presents?”
Well, maybe because he has an interest in his daughter, too, just like she does.
- I’ll write more about it after I’m done with Pregnancy Sucks – For Men, but the book I’m reading right now kind of falls into this. It was the only pregnancy book for men I could find and it plays up the whole dads-are-too-manly-to-care-about-pregnancy thing. I’m not just trying to do stuff because that gets my nagging wife off my back. She’s not nagging, actually, and I genuinely am excited about being a dad. [↩]
A baby shower is much more exciting than opening Christmas gifts and you know how to share the joy. Keep it up!