Ed Coleman Leaving Gateway After Acer Acquisition

CEO (and cousin) Edward Cole­man will leave Gate­way at the end of Jan­u­ary, Acer’s Rudi Schmi­dlei­th­n­er will be tak­ing over the inte­gra­tion of Acer and Gate­way after this year’s acqui­si­tion. Well, here’s hop­ing that Edward and his fam­i­ly move back East. I sure look for­ward to talk­ing to him some­time about his expe­ri­ences there.

Richmond In Holiday Lights

I know that this will not be the last time I say this, but we are real­ly going to miss Rich­mond. One rea­son of many is how beau­ti­ful it looks here around the hol­i­days. All the more rea­son to vis­it often…

A New Direction For My Career

As a result of our mov­ing, I have tak­en a posi­tion of Senior Tech­ni­cal Writer with Bent­ley Sys­tems, Inc. Specif­i­cal­ly, I’ll be work­ing with soft­ware in the struc­tures group. In the past three years, Bent­ley has acquired sev­er­al big names in struc­tur­al engi­neer­ing soft­ware: REI (STAAD), RAM Inter­na­tion­al, and more recent­ly TDV GmbH (RM). I… Con­tin­ue read­ing A New Direc­tion For My Career


First of all, let me announce what is prob­a­bly the worst kept secret since we announced we were preg­nant: Angela and I have made the deci­sion to move to Franklin, TN (that’s near Nashville for you non-Ten­­nesseans). We had been dis­cussing the idea of doing so since July. When I say dis­cussing, I mean Angela… Con­tin­ue read­ing Ch-ch-changes!

In A State of Vanity

When Angela and I first moved to Vir­ginia, we made the casu­al obser­va­tion that the Com­mon­wealth has a lot of van­i­ty license plates. We even told friends and fam­i­ly back home that we fig­ured Vir­ginia had many more than Ten­nessee due to the low­er cost of get­ting them here. Turns out, Vir­ginia does have more.… Con­tin­ue read­ing In A State of Vanity

July Has Thirty One Days

It’s been a long month that went by real­ly quick­ly. How­ev­er, I sus­pect in a cou­ple of weeks I’ll be long­ing for the good ‘ole days of July ’07. I know that I’ve com­plete­ly dropped the ball on writ­ing on this site this past month. I real­ly regret that as it’s only because way too… Con­tin­ue read­ing July Has Thir­ty One Days

Categorized as Baby, Life

Five Fun Things Friday — Mid-June Edition

Okay, so this is turn­ing out to be more of a bi-week­­ly thing than any­thing else. I don’t recall ever promis­ing any­thing — as who would I promise it to? Five things that have been on my radar ‘o fun over the past cou­ple of weeks: This is a great music video by a for­mer­­ly-not-known-to-me Brit indie… Con­tin­ue read­ing Five Fun Things Fri­day — Mid-June Edition

Aaaah, My Back

I went to the hos­pi­tal for a sched­uled pro­ce­dure on my back to help alle­vi­ate the pains a her­ni­at­ed disc had been caus­ing. So far, it seems to have helped. So, I guess because things have been pret­ty busy at work and at home late­ly, I haven’t had much of a chance to pro­vide an… Con­tin­ue read­ing Aaaah, My Back

Categorized as Life

Five Fun Things: May 18th Edition

I’m try­ing to make this a week­ly thing, but who knows how long it’ll last. Anoth­er week flew by me and I’m not sure where it went. That’s more the norm than not I sup­pose. Here’s a few things, in no par­tic­u­lar order that have been inter­est­ing and enjoy­able this week: Get­ting to see inside me by… Con­tin­ue read­ing Five Fun Things: May 18th Edition

Rare But Not Of Concern

So, the whole sixth lum­bar ver­te­bra has kind of been of inter­est to me. I did some online search­ing and found an inter­est­ing arti­cle which explains the abnor­mal­i­ty some: [A]pproximately 10% of adults, have a con­gen­i­tal anom­aly in their low­er back. One of the most com­mon anom­alies is the pres­ence of a sixth lum­bar ver­te­bra. Hav­ing… Con­tin­ue read­ing Rare But Not Of Concern

Categorized as Life