Cicero Footstool

A few years ago when I was con­sid­er­ing get­ting into more “fine” wood­work­ing, there was one project that came to mind: recre­at­ing the foot­stools my grand­fa­ther, Cicero, used to make. He was a handy wood­work­er and built a lot of use­ful projects1 I know we had two or three of these foot­stools around the house… Con­tin­ue read­ing Cicero Foot­stool

Hard Shop Lesson

I got a hard les­son deliv­ered today while start­ing a project in the garage this after­noon. I’ll lead in with say­ing that I’m ok (and will heal up fine in a week or so); only a bit rat­tled. Let me start with where my head was (and should­n’t have been) that got me here.  I’ve had… Con­tin­ue read­ing Hard Shop Lesson

Ah, Rats (Pedals)!

The Pro Co Rat is a, if not the, clas­sic dis­tor­tion gui­tar effect1. It’s still around though “vin­tage” effects can go for hun­dreds of dol­lars. There are many vari­ants and, like any clas­sic gui­tar effect, there are many clones. It’s also one of those ped­als that many of the mods and clones have improved upon… Con­tin­ue read­ing Ah, Rats (Ped­als)!

The term Cancel Culture is a bad faith fallacy.

RT @Winter: (log on) The term Can­cel Cul­ture is a bad faith fal­la­cy. There’s only Con­se­quence Cul­ture, it’s long over­due and most of the exposed preda­tors have yet to face mean­ing­ful con­se­quences. (log off)

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Creating Music (Notation) Together

My wife, Angela, stud­ied music for the first cou­ple of years at col­lege. She plays the flute and still per­forms a few times a year (most­ly at our church). How­ev­er, in all the years we’ve been togeth­er, we’ve nev­er actu­al­ly played any music togeth­er. In fact, we haven’t real­ly cre­at­ed many projects togeth­er (aside from… Con­tin­ue read­ing Cre­at­ing Music (Nota­tion) Together
