How I Know I’ll Be Married A Long Time — Part II

Angela informed me Mon­day evening after we both got home from work that from now on, Mon­day would be piz­za night. We could either make it at home (which I love) or order. We’ll spend the evening watch­ing a movie as well. It was tru­ly hard to hide my tears of joy.

Cobra Journal — Part II

It’s as if the peo­ple at McSweeney’s heard my cries at night: “Jour­nal Of A Sea­soned Cobra Vet­er­an” by Kei­th Pille (also, read “Jour­nal of a New Cobra Recruit”). “June 28, 1987 — We sure seem to have a lot of nin­jas on the COBRA payroll.”

MacWorld-SF 06

Since I wrote some last year about the then new­ly announced prod­ucts at Mac­World, I thought I might post some thoughts on this year’s as well. I stat­ed last year’s theme was afford­abil­i­ty (with the announce­ment of the Mac mini and the iPod shuf­fle). I’d say this year’s theme is more like play catch up… Con­tin­ue read­ing Mac­World-SF 06

Categorized as Geek

My Pandora Thinks I’m… Okay, It Just Thinks

I just this evening dis­cov­ered prob­a­bly the only online stream­ing web site for music I’ve ever want­ed to lis­ten to. That’s because I actu­al­ly get to dic­tate what gets played on this sta­tion. I real­ly quit lis­ten­ing to radio a few years ago and buy­ing an iPod real­ly sealed that cof­fin. As much as I… Con­tin­ue read­ing My Pan­do­ra Thinks I’m… Okay, It Just Thinks

Categorized as Geek, Music

‘Ol Blue Eyes

Last week, while on a job site inspec­tion some build­ing foun­da­tions1, I had what must be the strangest con­ver­sa­tion with a con­trac­tor yet: Con­trac­tor (to me): Yeah, so we’ll just have the addi­tion­al bars deliv­ered in the morn­ing rather than attempt use some replace­ments… say, is that your nat­ur­al eye col­or or do wear some sort… Con­tin­ue read­ing ‘Ol Blue Eyes

Categorized as Life

Dude, Where’s My Car?

When I fly where ever, I find it’s eas­i­est just to leave my car parked at the long term garage (as opposed to a taxi or a friend). Before I go on my trip, I emp­ty my cam­er­a’s mem­o­ry card. The first pho­tos I take on my trip are my park­ing spot num­ber and the… Con­tin­ue read­ing Dude, Where’s My Car?

Categorized as Lifehack

The Check Is In The Mail

It looks like I’m not the only one who can’t fig­ure out what year it is (or was, in this case): Dear Jason Cole­man,Your Epson $20.00 rebate check has been sent via 1st class mail on 12/28/2006. Please allow ade­quate time for deliv­ery.Sin­cere­ly,Epson Rebate Admin­is­tra­tor From an e‑mail I recieved today regard­ing some Hol­i­day shop­ping rebating.

Categorized as Life