Ancient Global Warming Spurred Primates Into North America, Fossils Show

An ancient peri­od of glob­al warm­ing spurred the world’s first pri­mates to spread from Asia to North Amer­i­ca, new research shows.

The ani­mals may have tak­en as lit­tle as 20,000 years to dis­perse across the North­ern Hemi­sphere from the moment they first appeared.

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Antarctica Under Siege

Stun­ning beau­ty and the promise of oil and min­er­als are bring­ing more peo­ple to the once-pris­tine continent.

At the bot­tom of the world, more than two miles beneath the wind-blast­ed sur­face of Antarc­ti­ca, sits a won­der of the last untouched continent.

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Climate Feedbacks

Guest writer Bri­an Soden of the Divi­sion of Mete­o­rol­o­gy and Phys­i­cal Oceanog­ra­phy at the Rosen­stiel School of Marine & Atmos­pher­ic Sci­ence at Mia­mi Uni­ver­si­ty (yeah, that’s usu­al­ly abbre­vi­at­ed) explains about what cli­mate feed­backs are and how they are fac­tored into what we …

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The Jury on Global Warming

A case sched­uled to be argued in front of the nation’s high­est court could change the course of cli­mate change policy.

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