South Florida Dike Poses Grave Danger, Engineers Say

An alarm­ing engi­neer­ing report on the 140-mile (225-kilo­me­ter) dike around Flori­da’s Lake Okee­chobee has prompt­ed emer­gency man­age­ment offi­cials to pre­pare evac­u­a­tion plans for 40,000 res­i­dents liv­ing near the lake.

India’s Cut-Price Space Program

Although [Indi­a’s] space pro­gram is a civil­ian effort, it is a sym­bol of nation­al excel­lence — and that makes it an ide­al tar­get. But behind the sev­er­al lay­ers of secu­ri­ty, the Indi­an Space Research Organ­i­sa­tion, or ISRO, is abuzz with new projects and excitement.

What, Exactly, Is a Planet?

Near­ly 2,500 astronomers from 75 coun­tries gath­ered here Mon­day to come up with a uni­ver­sal def­i­n­i­tion of what qual­i­fies as a plan­et and pos­si­bly decide whether Plu­to should keep its plan­et status.

Simple Skin Test May Spot Alzheimer’s Early

A sim­ple skin test that enables doc­tors to diag­nose the ear­ly signs of Alzheimer’s dis­ease could be avail­able with­in five years, researchers say.

The test could allow doc­tors to inter­vene ear­ly on and pre­vent major brain dam­age, they say.