Ancient Gene Recreated From Modern Descendants

Geneti­cists are becom­ing so pro­fi­cient that they can not only show evo­lu­tion in action – they can show it in reverse. The exper­i­men­tal suc­cess could sug­gest a new approach for gene ther­a­py, the researchers say, though any appli­ca­tions are a long way off.

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Over the Moon

Sci­en­tists have known for cen­turies that the Moon isn’t round. Rather, the Moon is a flat­tened sphere—like a football—and is elon­gat­ed on the side that faces the Earth.

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Hurricane Katrina: Counting the Ecological Cost

Hur­ri­cane Kat­ri­na has had a dev­as­tat­ing impact on the envi­ron­ment of south-east Louisiana, experts report almost a year after the vio­lent storm smashed the city of New Orleans, caus­ing floods that killed near­ly 2000 people.

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