Web 2.0 Confusion

Jason Kot­tke has a post about word fre­quen­cy analy­sis on Web 2.0 def­i­n­i­tions by design­ers. I was real­ly sur­prised to see that nei­ther social, inter­ac­tion, nor com­mu­ni­ty ranked up at the top. Did I com­plete­ly miss out on what Web 2.0 is all about, or was it all just the ajax fad? I don’t sup­pose… Con­tin­ue read­ing Web 2.0 Confusion

Free Josh Wolf

JOSH WOLF is an imper­fect mar­tyr for free­dom of the press. The 24-year-old free­lance jour­nal­ist from San Fran­cis­co makes no pre­tense of being fair and bal­anced. He is a self-pro­claimed anar­chist. Advo­ca­cy, not objec­tiv­i­ty, appears to be his dri­ving motivation.

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Universal Raises ‘Hellboy 2’

Uni­ver­sal Pic­tures will ful­ly finance and dis­trib­ute Hell­boy 2, the Guiller­mo del Toro-direct­ed sequel to the 2004 Dark Horse Com­ic-spawned film, Vari­ety reported.

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Bonham Carter Joins ‘Order of the Phoenix’ Cast

Hele­na Bon­ham Carter has joined the cast of the upcom­ing fifth Har­ry Pot­ter movie, The Order of the Phoenix, and will play Bel­la­trix Lestrange, Sir­ius Black­’s cousin and a Death Eater, who is one of Lord Volde­mor­t’s fol­low­ers, Warn­er Broth­ers announced.

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Hackers Clone E‑Passports

A Ger­man com­put­er secu­ri­ty con­sul­tant has shown that he can clone the elec­tron­ic pass­ports that the Unit­ed States and oth­er coun­tries are begin­ning to dis­trib­ute this year.

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Heat Exhaustion Exhaustion

Well, last night was, uh, uncom­fort­able here at home. With the air con­di­tion­ing out and the tem­per­a­tures still being in the triple dig­its until mid-evening, it’s kind of like liv­ing in a sauna. It’s bad enough on Angela and I, but poor Har­ry and Mag­gie have it the worst. Yes­ter­day, while we were at work, Ange­la’s… Con­tin­ue read­ing Heat Exhaus­tion Exhaustion

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