Nintendo Offers Free Wii Play Online

Nin­ten­do of Amer­i­ca’s ebul­lient pres­i­dent, Regi­nald Fils-Aime, released some inter­est­ing infor­ma­tion about the upcom­ing Wii game con­sole in an inter­view with USA Today.

Will Sony Ever Be Sony Again?

John C. Dvo­rak points his can­tan­ker­ous nature towardst he once great elec­tron­ics giant Sony Corp. Come for the opin­ion, stay for the can­tankerySony Corp.

New Planet Definition Enlarges Solar System

The Inter­na­tion­al Astro­nom­i­cal Union (IAU) has craft­ed a new def­i­n­i­tion for what con­sti­tutes a plan­et that would expand the solar sys­tem to Plu­to and beyond, encom­pass­ing 12 bod­ies in all.