Like Living In An Oven

Well, it’s around 5:30 pm here in Rich­mond, and it’s still 100° out­side. I haven’t been post­ing much at all here or even to Flickr in the past few weeks. I wish I had a good excuse, but for right now, I’m just going to say that it’s because my brain is melt­ing. I’ve been… Con­tin­ue read­ing Like Liv­ing In An Oven

Global Warming Likely Causing More Heat Waves, Scientists Say

Glob­al warm­ing has loaded the dice in favor of heat waves and may be to blame for the scorch­ing weath­er across much of the Unit­ed States and Europe this sum­mer, accord­ing to sev­er­al of the world’s lead­ing cli­mate scientists.

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EA Wants a Ticket for the Wii Train

When the Nin­ten­do Wii launch­es lat­er this year, it will be the least expen­sive so-called “next-gen­er­a­tion” con­sole on the mar­ket. While it may not have next-gen specs, one thing it lacks could be one of its biggest sell­ing points: the next-gen price.

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Nashville May Grow Up With a 1,057-Ft Tower

With approval for a redesigned high-rise in its pock­et, the devel­op­er of what may become Nashville’s tallest build­ing and the tallest tow­er in the U.S. out­side Chica­go and New York City, is mov­ing full-steam ahead.

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